7 Week ONLINE Program


Developed by Chelsea Roff – a former sufferer who found healing from anorexia through the practice of yoga and the community with which it provided her – the Eat Breathe Thrive community program was created to seed small networks of support, “Thrive Tribes,” for people to support one another in healing from food and body image issues on all ends of the spectrum.

Through the integration of yoga, community and service projects, the Eat Breathe Thrive ™ six-week series provides participants with valuable tools for cultivating resilience and self-compassion – both of which has been found to be fundamental to reducing the risk of eating disorder occurrence, in addition to contributing to overall mental health and emotional well being.

Over the course of six weeks, you’ll embark on a journey of self-exploration and growth with the support of a small group of peers, using the tools of yoga, meditation, and self-inquiry as the guide.  You will learn practical tools for tracking hunger and fullness signals (intuitive eating), coping with difficult emotions , and cultivating a more compassionate relationship with your body . You’ll come away feeling inspired, capable, and supported by an amazing circle of friends.


  • Embark on this journey from the comfort of your own home, using ZOOM as our online platform - we'll interact in real time each week.
  • Weekly  2 hour sessions for our 6 week program will include a 45-minute yoga class as well as a group discussion/ interactive activity.
  • Guidance on choosing a service project that will speak to you and your community in need.
  • Ongoing support and accountability from the community through our private Facebook forum.
  • Check-in's by the facilitator through out the week using FB live/ Private FB forum to help keep you accountable, trouble shoot obstacles that may arise , reach your goals & stay connected.
  • Learn how to create and nurture a sacred space for yourself in your home for self-care & self reflection.
  • Gain comfort & clarity on how to build a home yoga practice using simple sequences that are easy to remember.
  • Use the power of community to help you clarify S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound) goals for yourself and the specific steps you need to take to make them happen.

Check out our FREE  EAT TO THRIVE App which includes our Tracking of Needs Meditation!