Intuitive Soul Session

Each an every one of us come into this world as an intuitive soul, but sometimes along the way we lose the connection to our innate wisdom among the noise & overwhelm of our everyday lives.

It’s time to shift, to remember & to access that beautiful intuitive compass just waiting to guide you home.

Experience an eclectic mix of intuitive & energetic work, guided meditation,
coaching & build habits supported by ancient Ayurvedic wisdom is drawn upon to guide your experience as you cultivate a space to explore, access & activate your own inner wisdom.

Your session is a co-creative experience that:

~develops clarity around your current struggle or experience of dis-ease, from a holistic lens.

~explores your innate intuitive wisdom 

~ignites the energetic shifts necessary to move into a place of empowered action

~leaves you with practical steps to implement & support you in your everyday life. 

Sessions are 1hr in length & done via PHONE to support a deeper inner focus & ability to surrender into the experience.

Single Session - $90

Shine the light on your innate wisdom & ability to heal and transform.