Releasing, the sense of letting go, exerting less effort holding on so tightly should feel like a relief right?
There is a false sense of control that lives in my mind, in the gripping, grasping, holding on to the familiar even though it is very clearly is not only no longer serving me, but is holding me back. Yet there is a sense of familiarity in this energetic pattern, this narrative that runs through me. Giving me that false sense of comfort & control in the known, which can tend to lull me into complacency, even in it’s discomfort that it creates.
My heart however, longs to live in the unknown, in the space just beyond what I have already experienced. Knowing I have touched the edges of this energy, but am hesitant to dive in. To trust that I have what it takes to exist in the new realm, remembering that it does not demand perfection & but rather is fueled by a deep sense of curiosity, play & love.
I remember feeling this fear in my recovery, that I so deeply desired a new reality, but feared I couldn’t sustain it. It took time, patience, practice and an ability to not only allow , but to embrace my imperfections. It meant taking one step, one day at a time… and it is no different now as I look to make another huge shift in crafting my new reality.
I think many of us are in this place, after the past few years our reality has shifted in incredible ways & we’ve been left to rebuild and reestablish our new reality. So I invite you along in my journey of both reinvention & reclaiming the power we’ve always had within.
I look to challenge myself this week to allow myself to play with this new energy, this sense of possibility, notice when & where it feels like I’ve touched on an energy that I want to cultivate more of. What makes me smile a little bit more, makes my heart light up, allows my body to feel free. In that new sense of freedom, can I allow myself to let go, even just a little bit.
Noticing, where do I feel resonance in where I want to go next? Then take one purposeful action at a time, step by step move in that direction & trust that my body, mind, & soul will either reaffirm or redirect me along the way. myself down enough to notice when my thoughts align with a positive sensation in my body. Notice those moments of congruence, of resonance, of connection. Following a new energetic pattern, building a more supportive inner dialogue.
Focusing on where I can invite in more beauty, joy, love, laughter & connection. Noticing those choice points where I can show up for myself, build a deeper sense of self trust by honoring the needs I have, rather than noticing & dismissing them.
I believe all of our pattern & habits serve a purpose. They wouldn’t exist if they didn’t meet a need, but as we grow, evolve & learn we need to remember we have the right to upgrade our habits. We can shift the actions we take, the thoughts we believe to match & support our new selves.
So I invite you if you feel called to also check in and notice where are you ready to let go & loosen the grip?
In that release, that softening, in that dream like state what is calling you?
What feels possible?
Where do YOU light up?
What makes you want to smile, dance, sing?
Where are you experiencing resonance?
What connections make life feel a little bit easier or bring joy into your day?
How can you delight in this process of discovery?
Ways to explore
embodied energy work & intuitive guidance
own your strengths &
overcome obstacles with greater ease
dream big this year & plan accordingly by embracing the energetic opportunities ahead
So often, when space is held to gain awareness, perceptions change & the shifts occur.
The wisdom within is given the space to emerge & new energy floods in
Do you feel stuck in old patterns and need a little support to nudge you in the right direction?
I’d love to support you on your journey!